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Contestants dive down to a city bus that's submerged. Then, players are given 50 cow brains to find a chip hidden inside 10 of the brains.
Five co-ed teams must stay awake for the duration of the 48-hour competition.
In this all-female episode, contestants escape from an underwater tumbler, free themselves from a bag of bugs, and crawl across a rope hanging beneath a helicopter.
In this Second Chance episode, six losing contestants from previous episodes get another chance at winning $50,000.
In this family episode, parent-child teams release hanging flags next to a high balance beam. Then parents transfer roaches by mouth to free their children from a box of roaches.
Contestants drop down the face of a 65-story building. Then, they collect mouthfuls of dead bugs from a car windshield.
Miss USA contestants balance on a tilting platform suspended over water, consume sea cucumbers, and hang from a trapeze under a helicopter.
In this female models episode, contestants try to unchain weighted vests underwater.
Contestants sits inside a spinning box with no floor suspended in midair, eat live snails, and jump a car out the back of a moving truck.
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