Olympia Valance

Olympia Valance

Step daughter of Aussie rock star Ross Wilson and half-sister of fellow Neighbours alumni, Holly Valance, this Ramsay Street graduate has showbiz in her blood. Audiences would most recently recognise Olympia on screen’s last year playing queen WAG Tahlia Woods on 10’s hit drama series Playing For Keeps. Adding some glamour to the Dancing With The Stars floor in 2019, this 26-year-old television starlet is hot to (fox)trot.

Did you have to think much before agreeing to take part in this? Any hesitation?

I’ve always wanted to know how to ballroom dance. I’ve watched the show every year and I wanted to try something that I’ve never done before and how cool would it be to whip out a freaking tango or go to a salsa bar… how cool would that be? And obviously winning, because I’m going to win, but that’s the main reason to take part.

Your sister Holly competed in the UK Dancing With The Stars in 2011. Has she given you any advice?

I haven’t spoken to her about it but saying that, I have looked at her routines on YouTube and she was good. She has a lot more rhythm that I do. I’m the girl with the jokes and the smiles but other than that I have zero rhythm.

Anyone you have your eye on that will be your biggest threat?

Miguel. He’s got the whole Spanish vibe and I think he has a lot of moves naturally that I don’t have. He’s so loveable. He’s the nicest guy in the world. I think he might win it.

Is there anything you can take from modelling and acting into this competition?

Definitely more acting. I think acting is a lot of technical work and it’s a lot of the character in yourself, my experience playing these characters is going to be a big advantage.

Was fitness an incentive to take part in this?

One hundred percent. I want to get to the end just to have this sexy dancers body that they’ll tell me I’ll get after this. During training I was SWEATING. I glistened with sweat, I had sweat beads like a man, dripping, like a man, it was foul.

What do you think of your dance partner?

Love him! I understand the way that Jarryd teaches which is really great for me. We have fun and he doesn’t take my crap. Most importantly, I want to be there and we’ve been smashing it out doing some great things early on. I feel good. We work well together, dance well together and I think the public will like us. I would be devo if I got out in the first week.