
Crocamole Receives Nod Of Approval

Crocamole Receives Nod Of Approval. Dietitians Association Of Australia announces endorsement.

Dietitians Association Of Australia announces endorsement.

The Dietitians Association of Australia has endorsed Crocamole as the premier pre-school program helping to address nutritional concerns for children in Australia.

Crocamole delivers 30 minutes of commercial-free, innovative children’s programming that is jam-packed with exciting, colourful and easy-to-make food creations from kooky Cook Truffle (Callan Warner).

Molly (Emily Dickson), the funky rainbow sprite, always has a song and game to share and the cheeky crocodile Croc (puppeteer Jack Kelly) loves to lick the spoon and keep everyone laughing.

The Dietitians Association of Australia works collaboratively with Crocamole to showcase the key foods that Australian kids need for healthy growth and development and demonstrate creative ways to make meal times fun.

Crocamole aims to inspire the natural curiosity that children have for new ingredients, helping them to form an understanding of where food comes from, so that they can make good food choices.

The Dietitians Association of Australia is the peak body for dietitians, representing more than 5,900 of the country’s nutrition experts. The Dietitians Association of Australia and its Accredited Practising Dietitian members, are committed to providing Australians with credible, science-based information on food and nutrition.

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